Love, Joy, Peace...

We are a intercultural / bilingual congregation. Worship services and fellowship meetings include elements offered in both Spanish and English, and our members come from a variety of nationalities and ethnic and cultural backgrounds. We intentionally seek and plan activities that include people of all ages.

We are a faith community with a history of service to our community, and that tradition continues today in our partnerships with various ministries and local agencies.

In Gethsemane, you will find a meeting of believers who strive:

To be a community of faith

where all are nurtured and strengthened

in the Word of God,

to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ

in word and deed to all people near and far.

To be a community in which everyone is

energized, mobilized and empowered

by the power of the Holy Spirit,

to carry out God’s mission

in an increasingly multilingual,

multiracial and multicultural society.